Dear ABA Members, 

Welcome to the May ABA newsletter. The newsletter contains photos of our April Lunch Meeting, as well as a synopsis of each of the presentations and a link to the actual presentation slides. Our sincere thanks to our presenters, Dr. Edo Paz of Hello Heart, and Charles Greenawalt and Matthew Jacobs of Wellrithms for their informative and timely presentations. A special thank you, also, to ABA Vice-President Tom Omiatek who took over the “master of ceremonies” role in my stead and I’m told did a masterful job indeed! (For those not in the know, this was the first ABA lunch meeting I’ve missed in years, as I, instead, went to meet my newly born second grandchild!)

At our June 4th Lunch meeting we have two excellent presentations lined up – Randy Forman of Oshi Health, speaking about high cost driving digestive diseases and disorders and what you can do about it, and Rick Dade of SolidaritUS Health who will provide an overview of innovative health care delivery infrastructure, high-value care delivery design, and cost containment efforts. We also have an interesting case study involving an ABA member health fund presented by our lunch sponsor, Teladoc. We look forward to seeing you at the June meeting. 

In Solidarity

The Board of the Association of Benefit Administrators 


Highlights From Our April Meeting

Heart Health Issues in Unions

We were joined by Dr. Edo Paz as he discussed the clinical impact of poor heart health on Union members and how cardiovascular claims factor into rising healthcare costs.

Charles Greenawalt

Matthew Jacobs

Crisis Of Medical Overbilling

Charles Greenawalt and Matthew Jacobs of Wellrithms discussed the crisis of medical overbilling. Their presentation covered, among other points:

  • The enormous scale of healthcare overbilling undoubtedly impacting your health funds.
  • Examples of common yet egregious overbilling.
  • The root causes of overbilling.
  • The limitations of common solutions.

How plans can level the playing field by:

  • Reviewing bills prior to payment
  • Using line-by-line reviews looking for coding compliance and numerous other tools to identify billing anomoies, thereby flaging overbilling abuses.

Tom Omiatek, ABA Vice-President, presiding over the April meeting

Important Dates for 2024

  • Lunch Meetings: Tuesdays – June 4 and September 17
  • ABA Brunch: Sunday, November 10, San Diego
  • ABA Annual Reception: Thursday, December 5, St. Regis NYC