Dear ABA Members, 

Happy spring — a time of rebirth and new possibilities.

We at the ABA had a great start in 2024 with two extremely interesting and informative presentations at our February meeting. An article based on Tara Metzner of Renalogic’s presentation can be found below, as well as the actual slides presented by Chuck Gamsu of Milliman/Skysail. Thank you to our presenters. Please see below for February meeting highlights and presentation information.

We look forward to seeing you at our April meeting where we anticipate two more interesting presentations:

Presentation #1

From Risk to Resilience: Address Heart Health in Unions
Presented by: Dr. Edo Paz, SVP Medical Affairs

Hello Heart

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is not only the #1 cause of death but also the #1 most expensive chronic disease. On average, the total medical spending per year for each individual with CVD is over $12,500. Do you have a heart health strategy in place for the members of your fund?

In this presentation you will learn more about CVD and its risk factors, as well as how to empower your members to manage their heart health while reducing your healthcare costs. Dr. Edo Paz, SVP Medical Affairs, from Hello Heart will discuss:

1. The staggering clinical impact of poor heart health on your members

2. How cardiovascular claims factor into rising healthcare costs

3. Using digital therapeutics to address member heart health

Presentation #2

The Crisis of Medical Overbilling – it’s time to level the playing field
Presented by Charles Greenawalt, VP of Sales and Matthew Jacobs, Chief Development Officer


Our upcoming discussion will tackle Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Healthcare Billing – pressing issues for health plans. We’ll examine the aspects of medical billing that are prone to fraudulent, wasteful, or abusive practices and discuss best practices and available tools to prevent them.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive overview that equips health plans with the knowledge and tools they need to protect their members and control costs.

Next Meeting date is April 2nd
RWDSU 5th Floor Conference Room
370 7th Avenue NYC
12:00 – 2:00 PM

In Solidarity,

The Board of the Association of Benefit Administrators


Dr. Edo Paz, SVP Medical Affairs
Hello Heart

Dr. Edo Paz attended medical school at Columbia University and completed his internal residency and cardiology fellowship at Columbia-New York Presbyterian Hospital. He later founded Heartbeat Health, a virtual-first cardiology care startup, and went on to work at K Health, an app-based primary care solution. Dr. Paz joined Hello Heart in early 2023, serving as Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs. In addition to his work at Hello Heart, Dr. Paz practices cardiology part-time at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, New York.

Charles Greenawalt is a healthcare sales expert with 15+ years of experience. He is currently the VP of Sales at WellRithms. Charles is an entrepreneur at heart and has successfully launched new products and strategies across multiple industries. He has worked with organizations in Group Health, Workers’ Compensation, Auto, and Taft-Hartley markets, giving him a wide-ranging perspective of the healthcare industry. Charles graduated from San Diego State University in 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in Social Science, Education, and Economics.





Matthew Jacobs is a healthcare strategy and product development expert with almost 20 years of experience in cost containment for the Group Health, Workers’ Compensation, and Automobile/Liability industries. He started working for a national PPO network in 2006 and quickly gained leadership roles in strategic product development, sales, account management, and provider management. Matthew has consulted with many organizations in utilization management, injury care management, healthcare plan development, medical bill review, and other cost savings strategies. He has a degree in Economics and Public Administration from Baylor University.


Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis

We were joined by Tara Metzner of Renalogic as she shared with us options for mitigating high costs and risks

Biosimilar Evolution – Access Affordability & Outcomes

Chuck Gamsu, Principal of Milliman reviewed the evolution of biosimilars and their potential financial impact. Click below for full presentation.

Anne Maloney, President and Kevin McGirr VP Sales and Marketing – Seledent shared with the group the various dental services Seledent offers.

Article Submission – Russell Kamp, Managing Director, Ryan ALM Inc.


See below blog post for an interesting article on retirement submitted by Russell Kamp


Click Here for Blog Post

2024 DUES

Please find below your 2024 dues invoice for the ABA membership. Your membership is greatly appreciated and we thank you for your continued support.

Click Here for 2024 Dues Invoice
Click Here to Pay Online



Lunch Meetings: Tuesdays – April 2, June 4 and September 17
ABA Brunch: Sunday, November 10, San Diego
ABA Annual Reception: Thursday, December 5, St. Regis NYC